Summary - In any sector, launching a product in a local market is very different from launching a product in a global market. Because of a variety of elements such as business competitors,, other issues, measuring factors/metrics in the worldwide market are distinct and challenging. The chances of success in the foreign market are little to none, thus these. However, we believe that prominent surf clothing should consider the option of selecting between the US and Asian markets owing to a variety of considerations, the most significant of which being Hofstede's cultural dimension. Geocentric Orientation will create a win-win scenario for both the company and the worldwide market, while Ethnocentric Orientation in the EPRG Framework will assist the home country become superior and a good source of foreign investment.
Skills - We improved soft skills as well as the ability to carefully assess the business based on present and projected sales, clients, by reading scholar publications and scholarly case studies. Furthermore, this experience teaches that every person of the organization should think about it at least once since employees are the system, and they know more about constructive comments than anybody else. This case taught us to read cases with a keen interest and to evaluate everyone's viewpoint.
Knowledge - Aside from Hofstede's cultural component, We came across and expanded my expertise as an analyst to carefully analyze the business and what critical aspects may have an impact on the success of a new worldwide market firm. These aspects include conducting research on new company launching regions and identifying the target audience (age, religion, social status, wealth, etcetera.
Behavioral Changes - We improved soft skills as well as the ability to carefully analyze the business based on present and projected sales and customers by reading scholar publications and conducting scholar case studies. Furthermore, this instance taught that every person of an organization should think about it at least once since workers are the system, and they know best when it comes to constructive comments. Reading cases with great attention requires taking into account everyone's thoughts, which is a skill I learned from this case.
Future - We will use the information, skills, and critical aspects that we gained from this case. In the future, We will carefully analyze all of these elements and apply them to my new career as an analyst. The ability as an analyst may be readily transferred to any profession, and understanding of Hofstede cultural dimension measurements will assist me in locating an acceptable audience. Working professionally and responsibly will help me advance my career in this way.